Thursday, December 1, 2011
I think I along with many others suffer from Cookbook fatigue. I have read/own so many that most of the time I just skim through them, rarely picking up anything very new. Every so often something catches my eye, an unusual method or ingredient or a term and it is this that I want to make a note of here. It's probably been in use for ages but it was a new term for me. The dish was garnished with a cheek of lemon. How cute is that. In fact I think it must be a fairly new term because using the "cheek" is a fairly new phenomon. I noticed the old lemon/lime wedge was out of fashion and that the edge was being used about a year ago. This superceded another fashion which was to half the citrus and then wrap in muslin to facilitate their squeezing without the pip getting through. Which although it looks great has to hurt for the person who does the prep. Imagine wrapping tons of lemons just before service! Anyway some bright spark solved that problem by thinking outside the wedge and used the edge, it looks cool, eliminates pip problem and aside from wasting the middle bit of lemon is pretty easy to do. Rock on the cheeks.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Back to work with a bang.
As the title says.. back to work 0-200 mph in the space of 5 days. I'm not moaning it was back working on a cookery TV show which although it was very stressful was also great fun. This time around it was on Neven Maguire's new series, Home Chef 3. We were fiming out in Avoca's Rathcoole branch. We were made feel very welcome and the staff were more than helpful they literally spoiled us.
Much to the amusement of everyone and just to make life a little bit more complicated, both myself and the Home Ec Sharon had to Express behind the scenes as we are both new-ish Mums and are still breast feeding... The show will be airing early in the New Year, I look forward to checking it out. There are some lovely dishes, look out for the Chicken and Bulmers recipe..
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Anzac Cookies...
Just a quick post. Made some Anzac cookies and was pretty taken with them. They're kind of like homemade Hob Nobs with a hint of chewy-ness and coconuttey-ness. Very good with a cup of tea, in fact too nice it's very hard to have just one or two... Or maybe I'm just a pig at the moment....! Don t mind saying that as I'm still breast feeding and one must indulge...
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
North Side Cafe.
Manys the time when I've found myself in the Henry street area needing a food stop. While of course there are loads of places to eat, I'm always wanting a nice bowl of soup or a cup of tea and cake in nice surroundings ie not a shopping centre or sticky tabled pub... While on a wander last weekend we stumbled on this place - Foam. Now I don't know for sure but it is possibly also a late night venue but on a Sunday morning it was lovely and bright with decidedly quirky decor. We were served great homemade tea and scones, though I was tempted by their omelettes they looked good.
It had a very NY feel, and in my book that's always a good thing.
It had a very NY feel, and in my book that's always a good thing.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
I thought I'd share my new favourite coffee place with you. It's The Humble bean on, is it Aungier street or South great Georges st? As it's one and the same road depending on where you are on it, if your out and about in that area you'll find it. As a complete aside but nerdy point, the same road goes on to be both Wexford street and Camden St. One of those dublinease quirks, must be a nightmare to be a tourist in this town. Getting back to the coffee, it's perfect, I always go for a latte and I think it knocks Lemon of my top spot. The coffee is really mellow and the milk just so. Mmm, it's my new treat in town and as it's on my route home I'm finding it's become a regular fixture of trips with the buggy, now I need to master the art of one hand pram wheeling and I'll be hooked proper.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Banana Bread.
In my fantasy tea shoppe/cafe I dream of serving lots of things, among them mini versions of loaf cakes. I got these dinky tins in the US last year and eventually christened them last week. I've made this Banana bread plenty of times it's a recipe from Bill's first book and is really very delicious. My buddy disagrees with me that chocolate is an acceptable addition to banana bread, he has notions... Anyway I managed to swing him around with these, they look cute in mini version and are lovely served with a strong coffee. Next stop Nigella's dense chocolate loaf....
Thursday, September 22, 2011
After much discussion and gentle persuasion I was talked out of attempting an overseas holiday with the little fella. Much as I love getting away I was pleased enough to be heading to Ardmore in Waterford on a mini break. We stayed in the Cliff House Hotel, it was pretty fabulous. The rooms all look out over the water, the building itself hugs the cliff which makes for an unusual layout. But although it was beautifully appointed throughout, what caught my eye most was the green roof. Not as in the colour green but living, it was planted with some moss like plant which was a gorgeous pinky colour. On arrival we were starving, our appetites were well sated by the bar menu. I had the Hake with pearl barley risotto and I have to say it delivered lots of taste, flavour and contrasting textures, I was very happy indeed. The following day we were booked in to the Michelin starred restaurant. Maybe it's because I'm breastfeeding and have an appetite like I've never had before but I found the food a bit fiddley and overly clever. It all looked beautiful my starter of peas and tomatoes 2011 was plated like a painting but I can't say it was lovely to eat and so it went on, I would have happily had my Hake from the night before over the John Dory I chose. How and ever I thoroughly enjoyed myself, the staff were excellent and as we had organised a baby sitter It was great to have an evening out together. Before we knew it it was time to go home but not before we had a quick roadway stop to pick up some Wexford strawberries and spuds. I was asked which spuds would I like, I enquired of different varieties and the reply was no would you like small or large?! And in fairness these were definately spuds you would boil whole with the jackets on something I haven't done in a long time.
So we'll see where we end up for next holiday. I think I'll be in need of some sun but the little fella is averse so more discussions methinks.
So we'll see where we end up for next holiday. I think I'll be in need of some sun but the little fella is averse so more discussions methinks.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
At the moment it's a good day when I get to have a shower, it's a really good day when I get to make dinner and anything beyond that is just rare. All because my little bundle is well pretty demanding.. It's alot of fun but extremely full on, I hate to think but he might be teething already so just when I think I have him sorted it'll be grumpy baby again..
Anyway in one of those rare moments mentioned earlier he was having a nap un-assisted by human contact and the urge to bake came over me, but as it was thoroughly spontaneous the only ingredients I had to hand were for flapjacks. I usually make them by feel but as my senses are not to be trusted for the moment I used Nigella's recipe and very fine they turned out too.... I wonder when I'll get a chance again....
Anyway in one of those rare moments mentioned earlier he was having a nap un-assisted by human contact and the urge to bake came over me, but as it was thoroughly spontaneous the only ingredients I had to hand were for flapjacks. I usually make them by feel but as my senses are not to be trusted for the moment I used Nigella's recipe and very fine they turned out too.... I wonder when I'll get a chance again....
Thursday, June 23, 2011
More canapes...
Beginning to climb out of the cave I've been in for the last month. Been busy! Delighted to report we're doing well, can cope with a bit more than just survival again. Still feel a little like I've had half a lobotomy but hoping that will fade with time...
Tried out another canape idea, Cashel blue polenta squares with a pear and tomato compote. Think I need to work on the compote but otherwise it was pretty tasty.
Tried out another canape idea, Cashel blue polenta squares with a pear and tomato compote. Think I need to work on the compote but otherwise it was pretty tasty.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
4 days over due and counting.....
Its a funny feeling having absolutely no control over something that is going to affect me so completely! I'm sure I won't really remember much of this time as soon as babs shows up. So far managing a better balance of keeping occupied without getting exhausted. Check out my Bourbon creams, I'm pretty pleased with how they came out, this was the second attempt the first ones were too thin and also a bit overdone. Next experiment is some more canapes. I also just saw a recipe for bacon jam that I think I have to try.
Its a funny feeling having absolutely no control over something that is going to affect me so completely! I'm sure I won't really remember much of this time as soon as babs shows up. So far managing a better balance of keeping occupied without getting exhausted. Check out my Bourbon creams, I'm pretty pleased with how they came out, this was the second attempt the first ones were too thin and also a bit overdone. Next experiment is some more canapes. I also just saw a recipe for bacon jam that I think I have to try.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
The Pepperpot.
Playing the waiting game here, it is limbo indeed. Trying to enjoy it but struggling a little. I treated myself to tea and scone in my current favourite café, acutely aware that time on my own will be very scarce indeed for the next month or two. All my pals that have little bundles of joy are encouraging rest and relaxation but I am just so eager for the next stage and keeping busy at least distracts me. I will be the spa who goes into labour tired just because of diversionary activites…. Planning another baking session, I think I’ll try Bourbon creams from my cookie book. I bought great cutters the last time I was in NY and haven’t got around to using them yet but there is one that is perfect.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Cumin Scones.
It is getting very near my due date and it's a funny kind of limbo I'm feeling. The tiredness is extreme but I'm trying to keep the apathy at bay. I haven't had the incredible urge to paint a room or tidy manicaly, instead I'm finding it hard to start jobs I might not finish. My great idea for dinner making: " Nigel & Karen" hasn't got off to a very good start as the very next week nigel went on holidays...! We should be back on track this week. One thing I have been enjoying is catching up with people. I've had a few great lunches in which these scones have featured, the recipe is my Mum's but of course I have changed it a bit. I thoroughly recommend making them they are dead easy and perfect for accompanying a hearty soup.
Cheese and cumin Scones
2 cups brown flour
1 cup plain flour
1/2 tblsp cumin seeds
5 oz butter
1 tblsp sugar
1 cup buttermilk/milk
1 large egg beaten with 1 tblsp water
1/2-3/4 cup grated cheddar
2 tsp baking powder
Mix dry ingredients except cheese together, rub in the butter, all 2/3 of the cheese. Mix in the buttermilk and all but 1tblsp of the egg. turn out onto a floured surface and cut into rounds. brush tops with egg and sprinkle with cheese. Bake at 200 c for about 25 minutes until golden, allow to cool slightly, serve warm with butter.
They freeze well. Feel free to try different cheeses, the original recipe has 3 cups of cheese but i think they don't need that much.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Even more canapes..
I'm pushing on with my experiments in Canape creation. My latest success is these sweet potato samosas. The pastry recipe was a little on the salty side but otherwise they were delicious I think they need a little mango chutney and possibly some raita for some extra oomp... I really enjoyed making them, it was a little fiddly to start with, but once I got the hang of it it they were quite easy if a little time consuming.
1st Nigel & Karen.
I'm quite pleased with this new project. Although it's only my first outing I can see the potential for learning and pushing me out of my knee-jerk likes etc. This was an artichoke frittata, I added the cheese it seemed to be asking for it! Next week its a salad.
Monday, April 11, 2011
New Idea...
I've struggled through this pregnancy a little mainly because it has caused me to lose my appetite. This may seem great to some but it is usually my main drive and inspiration in life, well my work life in any case and I'm quite lost without it. It was worst in the beginning when I had awful morning sickness, I get it back now for short periods, but not with any kind of zest. So I've come up with an idea to combat the food blues. It's not a particularly unique concept but I think it will enable me to eat a little better and learn something new along the way. I am going to use the "Julie and Julia" concept except I'm going to use Nigel Slater's Observer articles as the blue print for the dishes I'll cook. So Nigel and Karen is to be born. I'm going to cheat a bit and only make one of the recipes he gives and yes it is just once a week rather than a recipe a day which I think was the premise for Julie's blog. I'm aiming to be realistic.... I have the ingredients in for his Artichoke frittatta, I'll keep you posted.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
More Canapes...
I have started my maternity leave. I had plans to do lots of recipe testing and business planning but I find I have little drive for anything other than minimal stuff, it's enough to be getting to all the various maternity activities: Ante-natal classes, hospital appointments, aqua aerobics, yoga etc. I'm aware it sounds pretty pathetic but there you have it. I'm still struggling a little from lack of appetite but seem to be managing to put on weight. Ordinarily I'd be shocked by this as I don't feel I'm eating loads, but in the circumstances it can only be good as baby needs it!
I have managed to make a few more canapes and will post up photos. I'm quite pleased with how they are going and am amassing quite a nice collection of recipes. I need to work on some good cold canapes as they are much easier to serve and deliver.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
1. Roast Beetroot & Goat's Cheese, Roast Sweet Potato & Caramelised Pecans, Cucumber & Prawn.
2. Greek Salad- pops.
3. Herbed Goat's cheese bon-bons.
4. Chicken liver parfait bon-bons w cranberry.
Monday, January 31, 2011
I just spent a cheeky weekend in Brussels visiting a good friend of mine. I've been before but last time was less impressed, that was mainly because we were stuck inside, outside being gloomy, drizzley and generally grey..... This time round it was bright and fresh so we got out and about, soaked up some Brussels charm. I especially loved the patisseries, we sampled a few. Check out the beautiful raspberry tarts in the photo. I'm going to try and replicate them. The pastry was sweet and crisp, the centre was filled with a light custard cream and then the raspberries on top were just the right side of tart. Mmmm. I didn't try any chocolate as it seems to be giving me migraines more's the pity. Maybe next time.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Cookie Collection
I've been working on my collection of cookie recipes. Most recently I made some Anzac cookies and these wonderful ginger cookies. Both had a lovely crunch and chewiness. I'm a sucker for oats though so I think at a push I'd vote the Anzac's no. 1. I'l have to think what to try next. So far in the collection I have Madeleines, Digestives, Custard creams, Jammie dodgers, Chocolate oatmeal, Macaroons and Bourbon creams. I think on looking at the list maybe it needs some Chocolate chip cookies. I know my little nephew, in law or once removed, I'm never sure how those relationship terms work, made some delicious ones for our family christmas do. I'll track down that recipe.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
My favourite breakfast place.
I've been meaning to spill the beans on the best breakfast place by miles in Dublin, in fact, maybe anywhere I've had the pleasure of breakfasting in. It's an added bonus that it is a short cruisey weekend stroll from where I live. It is the Lennox Cafe aptly on Lennox street a stone's throw from the Bretzel Bakery. I have been here for breakfast many times, often as a restorative cure after hectic evenings and as such have never previously managed to order anything other than the breakfast offerings. And these are mighty. But this weekend I delved into the menu, dehydrated gremlins not being a problem, I ordered their parma ham, roast pear and caramelised walnut salad, it was delicious, as well as the advertised ingredients it was packed full of interesting extra nuggets and the whole thing dressed well with a sweet mustard salad dressing. It was so good we visited again the following day, this time I tried the Huevos Rancheros, for brunch (as in miss breakfast!) this was hard to beat, chock full of avocado, salsa, salad, melted cheese, and then eggs of your choice, all siting on a crisp tortilla. This is a taste bud tingler of a dish and everything fresh as you like. I urge you to go visit but preferable not when I'm angling for a table too....
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