Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I'm kicking myself. I absentmindedly knocked my camera at a job and bust my macro lens..  I'm very sad as I've discovered they are mucho expensive. I'll have to wait till after Chrimbo and hope there's a sale at the camera shop. So no photo's till then. I tried taking some with my standard issue lens and they look a bit pathetic. Foolish foolish, I do now own a camera bag...! 
Another long absence and this time there's a great reason.
I'm going to be a mum....   I am totally delighted, but the baby is making sure I have the stamina for when it's around. I'm being tested to the limits. Nausea and vomiting are not the best bedfellows for someone working with food!  For a couple of weeks I couldn't cook at all. Thankfully I am now back to cooking and on the whole feel better, I just have the odd daily turn.
I assisted on Neven's latest series last month. It will be showing in the new year. We were generously treated to dinner in McNeans not once but twice and all I can say is it should be on everyones to do lists.  The food is outstanding. It is very beautifully considered in it's cooking and its plating and top it off there is an element of fun. Combine this with excellent service and the experience is hard to beat.