Thursday, November 24, 2011

Back to work with a bang.

As the title says.. back to work 0-200 mph in the space of 5 days. I'm not moaning it was back working on a cookery TV show which although it was very stressful was also great fun. This time around it was on Neven Maguire's new series, Home Chef 3. We were fiming out in Avoca's Rathcoole branch. We were made feel very welcome and the staff were more than helpful they literally spoiled us.  
Much to the amusement of everyone and just to make life a little bit more complicated, both myself and the Home Ec Sharon had to Express behind the scenes as we are both new-ish Mums and are still breast feeding... The show will be airing early in the New Year, I look forward to checking it out. There are some lovely dishes, look out for the Chicken and Bulmers recipe..

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Anzac Cookies...

Just a quick post. Made some Anzac cookies and was pretty taken with them. They're kind of like homemade Hob Nobs with a hint of chewy-ness and coconuttey-ness. Very good with a cup of tea, in fact too  nice it's very hard to have just one or two... Or maybe I'm just a pig at the moment....! Don t mind saying that as I'm still breast feeding and one must indulge...