Thursday, December 1, 2011


I think I along with many others suffer from Cookbook fatigue. I have read/own so many that most of the time I just skim through them, rarely picking up anything very new. Every so often something catches my eye, an unusual method or ingredient or a term and it is this that I want to make a note of here. It's probably been in use for ages but it was a new term for me. The dish was garnished with a cheek of lemon. How cute is that. In fact I think it must be a fairly new term because using the "cheek" is a fairly new phenomon. I noticed the old lemon/lime wedge was out of fashion and that the edge was being used about a year ago. This superceded another fashion which was to half the citrus and then wrap in muslin to facilitate their squeezing without the pip getting through. Which although it looks great has to hurt for the person who does the prep. Imagine wrapping tons of lemons just before service! Anyway some bright spark solved that problem by thinking outside the wedge and used the edge, it looks cool, eliminates pip problem and aside from wasting the middle bit of lemon is pretty easy to do. Rock on the cheeks.